Case Study

Voice Activated Emergency System

A voice-based healthcare system, proven to save lives in life threatening situations.

Languages used: Android Studio, JavaScript, PHP, Firebase



The Problem

Avoidable Maternal Mortality

A leading U.S medical university identified that many amenable deaths in childbirth could be avoided by the introduction of a calm and reassuring virtual expert.  Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) was the most common cause of avoidable death. A system was required that would be effective enough to help midwives perform the World Health Organisation (WHO) protocol steps in the correct order in an emergency situation. 



Revolutionising Customer Experience


A detailed study, involving multiple government hospitals and in-depth interviews with over 500 mid-wives on the ground, concluded that a voice based, well structured system was needed to assist midwives treating the symptoms of PPH. A leading software provider had failed to find the answer and we were asked to come up with a workable solution. A detailed script was written (Merkel Tree) that had decision based algorithms, intended to take the first responder through a series of steps following the WHO protocols. An android app was developed, with a comprehensive dashboard and Admin panel on PHP. 


How it’s going

The system was a complete success, with a Net Promoter Rate (NPR) of 85% in its initial testing. In a country where Alexa and Siri are barely used and less than 1% of the population uses them, we were able to gain the confidence of midwives that the system will save lives and is an essential part of healthcare deliveries in these countries. The next iterations were offline-capable and pathways could be updated by the lead clinician as required. The system can be expanded to include other emergency protocols as well. Reporting and better analytical data is being built at the moment, with an AI training module that anonymously collects information on each session and improve delivery.